Time Zone


Fiji is 2 hours ahead of Australian Eastern Standard time. Example: If it's 7am in Australia it is 9am in Fiji. However, during daylight saving hours in Australia, the time difference will be 1 hour.


However, when in Fiji, be prepared for "Fiji Time" - which simply means that there is a very laid-back style of living and working in the Fijian islands. If you order a drink from the bar, expect it to come a little later than what you'd expect in Australia. The "Fiji Time" may be a cause of irritation for some who are used to snapping their fingers for prompt attention.


Get used to "Fiji Time" because it will become one of the hallmarks of your holiday and it will help you discover one of the most unique de-stressing experiences in the world. "Fiji Time" is the Fiji way to discover the things that truly matter in life and why you will never be the same again.



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